Poster Guidelines

Posters should be readable by viewers from distances of at least 91.44 centimeters (3 feet) away.  The message should be clear and understandable.  The poster-board surface area is 91 inches (231.14 cm) wide and 45 inches (114.30 cm) high. Plan your poster to fit this space.

The following guidelines have been prepared to help improve the effectiveness of poster communication:

  • Prepare a heading at the top of your poster indicating the abstract title, authors, and affiliations.
  • Summarize current research in graphic form whenever possible; use charts, tables, graphs, pictures, etc. and minimize the amount of text.
  • Prepare your presentation on poster size paper and mount on the board.
  • Posters should be self-explanatory but not comprehensive.  You will supplement and elaborate during your conversations with others.
  • Typeface should be large enough to be read comfortably by interested attendees from distances of 3-5 feet (1.5 m).  Keep visual materials simple and clear.
  • Display a copy of abstract.
  • Push pins will be supplied.